Thursday, December 16, 2010

A reminder from the beginning

Just wanted to post some of them nice photos Roar took at the very beginning, May 17th 2010.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Desember, or is it December?

I guess this has to be in English. Not that I think too many will read it other than Boun, Vernt and Martin Rodrager. But just in case.

It will be about what is (not) happening at Kristiania Espressobar. And other stuff. Most likely skiing. And coffee. And movies. And music.

The picture is from Schwetzingen (Baden-Württemberg), about a month ago or so (who cares about time anyways?). From something called Beat-Club, a live band playing music from 60s-ish, arranged once a year. They were really good. I'm sure I'll be there next year as well.

And between x-mas and New Years I'm planning to go skiing here:

So, this was it for now. There will be more stuff later, fo sure.